Overcoming 7 Operator Fears with Car Wash Membership Programs

As the Director of Marketing and Communications at EverWash, Max Pulcini has his finger on the pulse of the car wash industry. In issue no. 42 of the Kleen-Scene, he details one of the more pressing conversations taking place with car wash owners- membership programs. These programs are all the rage, yet some folks remain hesitant. The following breakdown of how to overcome 7 operating fears with car wash programs will ideally allay common concerns and questions from owners thinking about opening their own car wash membership program.

#1 Fear: Competition

“Competitors keep popping up in my area! How can I keep numbers up with all these new sites around?”

Car Wash Membership Program Solution: Build Up Brand Loyalty

As competition grows, retaining customers becomes an ever-important endeavor. A car wash membership program helps you do just that. As customers continue using the straightforward program, they’ll be incentivized to return and capitalize on the program’s many benefits. It’s a splendid way to connect and form lasting relationships with locals.

#2 Fear: Start-Up Costs

“Won’t starting a membership program require huge up-front costs? How long will it take to profit off this initial investment?”

 Car Wash Membership Program Solution: Risk-Free Start

There are ways to implement a car wash membership program while minimizing up-front cost. Market the program, enlist interested customers, get them started on the plan. This straightforward approach doesn’t require sizable up-front costs, allowing you to maximize investment results quicker.

#3 Lack of Flexibility

“Don’t membership programs only work at certain types of car washes? My wash might not be ideal for this type of program….”

Car Wash Membership Program Solution: Accessibility for All Systems

Each type of car wash- whether you have a pay station, tunnel, IBA- can enjoy the revenue growth opportunity a car wash membership provides. The membership is about affording locals the chance to utilize your many facilities as much as they want each month, for a flat rate. If you have quality facilities, no matter what they might be, a membership plan makes sense!

#4 Fear: Lack of Support

“Don’t I need an extensive support network to help keep my membership program functioning properly?”

Car Wash Membership Program Solution: Dedicated Partner

Finding a dedicated partner to help organize and maintain your car wash membership program is the easiest way to ensure maximum results. Dedicated partners such as EverWash are a perfect example!

#5 Fear: Customer Engagement

“How can I keep my customers engaged, informed, and happy?”

Car Wash Membership Program Solution: Engagement and Support

Keeping customers engaged and satisfied often boils down to touch points. A touch point would be a way for customers to intact with your business. The more touch points, such as digital communications and call centers, the greater value and retention you’ll notice over the long haul.

#6 Fear: Off-Site Marketing

“How can my marketing reach customers where they’re at?”

Car Wash Membership Program Solution: Mobile Accessibility

Meeting customers where they are is vital to any modern marketing plan. One of the ways you can do this is through the use of an app-based program. This will simplify the sign-up process while also affording the opportunity for off-site marketing and sales. Members can do things such as manage their plans, add vehicles, refer friends, and much more.

#7 Fear: Staffing Issues

“Staff turnover is high. I can’t keep my wash staffed long enough to gain momentum.”

Car Wash Membership Program Solution: Staff Empowerment

One core benefit of a membership plan is knowing you’ll have a certain number of customers, which means assured tips and work for staffers. The continued presence of membership customers will also allow your staff a chance to bond with these newfound regulars of the business.

Car Wash Membership Programs Continue Gaining Momentum

The statistics supporting car wash membership programs are overwhelming. A membership plan, when properly executed and with help from the right sources, can grow revenue by 90% in the first 12 months. At EverWash, you can utilize a revenue calculator to see just how much a membership plan might benefit your business. Creating the foundations for your plan can result in a brighter tomorrow for your entire wash!