Sensor Dynamix Customer Testimonials

There’s nothing like feedback from real car wash owners to know if a new product is legitimate and worthwhile. Busy car wash owners won’t take the time – or risk their credibility – to give their stamp of approval to a product they don’t believe in. Read what real-life car wash owners have to say in these Sensor Dynamix customer testimonials!

sensor dynamix monitoring sensor in front of water softener tanks

If you haven’t looked into what Sensor Dynamix offers yet, we highly recommend you take the time to do so. At first glance, you might mistakenly think they offer motion/light sensors, and you might even write them off if your car wash doesn’t require vehicle detection. We’re here to say – take another look!

Sensor Dynamix is a completely different concept from motion sensors. This innovative line of sensor hardware allows you to remotely monitor various aspects of your car wash through an easy-to-use app on your phone. The sensor units plug into your equipment and send you real-time alerts about what is happening at your wash. You can minimize revenue loss from broken down machines, prevent further damage to equipment, and avoid negative customer experiences that turn into poor reviews of your business. What’s more, you can decrease your “check-in” car wash visits since you’re getting immediate messages when something wrong!

Testimonial 1

Operator Name: Taylor Panno

Car Wash and Location: Tucson Self Wash – Tucson, AZ

Sensor Dynamix Units: Bill Changer Status Sensor for Hamilton (SBA-H)

Equipment Used with Sensor Dynamix Units: Hamilton Bill Changer

tucson self wash building

“I have only been in the car wash business for about two years now, but I knew there had to be a better way. I own and operate a six-bay car wash in Tucson, Arizona and live about 45 minutes from it. The dreaded phone call would come right when I was about to sit down for dinner: ‘Your token machine is out.’ There had to be a better way to find out [that the token machine was down].

sensor dynamix in a hamilton bill changer

“I was checking my email one day and I got an email from Kleen-Rite. That email had a video of a company that made a sensor that would alert my phone when my machine was down. I thought to myself, that’s what the business needs, and I ordered it. Now, I’m not the most tech-savvy guy in the world, but I ordered it and installed it. The best part about the system is that I can get somebody on the phone to help and it actually works! Logan and his team have been nothing but great help with anything I needed with the system. It’s been a lifesaver! Thank you, guys!”

Testimonial 2

Operator Name: Chad Giersch

Car Wash and Location: 16th Street Car Wash – Concordia, KS

Sensor Dynamix Units: Automatic Status and Revenue (AAA),Bill Changer Status Sensor for Hamilton (SBA-H), Automatic Pressure (PAA), Self-Serve Revenue (RSA), Self-Serve Pressure (PSA)

Equipment Used with Sensor Dynamix Units: CAT Pumps 3535, CAT Pumps 310, Hamilton Bill Changer, Hamilton ACW Goldline

16th street car wash building

“I run and operate two locations that have been in my family for over 20 years now. Both these locations have full sensor systems including status, pressure and revenue sensors on my in-bay automatic, bill changers, and all my self-serve bays. I run both these locations as a secondary business, which truly make the sensors and their instant notifications invaluable in my daily life. It is pretty normal that I can’t stop by the washes as much as I should. The sensors allow me to remotely monitor and feel assured that my locations are operating at 100% capacity and making money.

sensor dynamix being used with a cat pump

“There is nothing worse than finding your in-bay automatic POS out of order because it malfunctioned and all it needs is power cycled to continue making money. These sensors are truly a game changer! Now, I also know exactly when my high-pressure hoses blow. That allows me to respond and get them fixed as soon as possible. This is huge when it comes to customer retention and guaranteeing your customer wash experience. I experienced an ROI of about 10 months on both systems.”

Testimonial 3

Operator Name: John Hardesty

Car Wash and Location: Hardrock Car Wash – Minneapolis, KS

Sensor Dynamix Units: Automatic Status and Revenue (AAA), Bill Changer Status Sensor for Hamilton (SBA-H), Self-Serve Revenue (RSA), Self-Serve Pressure (PSA)

Equipment Used with Sensor Dynamix Units: CAT Pumps 3535, CAT Pumps 310, Hamilton Bill Changer, Hamilton ACW Goldline

hard rock car wash building

“My location was honestly the most annoying part of my day. I heard about Sensor Dynamix from an industry friend and was instantly sold on the convenience of the system. My location is stacked with sensors on everything, including my POS, in-bay automatic pump, bill changer, and self-serve pumps.

“For me, it is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I never have to worry about showing up to my location and being surprised with problems. Whether that be a blow on my in-bay automatic/self-serve high pressure hose, my POS out of service, or my bill changer being out of service.  My mind would instantly go to ‘how long has this been broken’ and ‘how much business have I missed.” Not anymore! Logan at Sensor Dynamix was extremely helpful with the sensor setup. He was always available and just a phone call away for all our questions. It only took about eight months for me to experience an ROI.”

Sensor Dynamix was founded by Logan Lawson while at Cal Poly studying software engineering and mechanical engineering. He grew up living the rigors of the car wash industry with the family enterprise, Coach Lite Car Wash Company, a mid-level chain of car washes in south-central Kansas headed by his father Corey Lawson. Corey has decades of car wash experience, and his expertise has helped Logan bring Sensor Dynamix to fruition.

Give Sensor Dynamix a chance to see how much time and money they save you!

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